Work Plan

22/01/2011 23:41


October 2010  

Transnational meeting in Turkey and open conference to public and enterprises



November 2010

Website start up and public call start up


January 2011


Transnational meeting in Greece and open conference to schools and similar stakeholders



February 2011


Facebook competition: starting date


April 2011


Transnational meeting in Italy and open conference to public and enterprises


June 2011

transnational meeting in Bulgaria and open conference to schools and similar stakeholders &  presentation of case studies


September 2011

Transnational meeting in Belgium and open conference to public and enterprises, visit at the European Parliament, meeting MEP’s partner countries & case-story/business plans completion


November 2011

Transnational meeting in Poland and open conference to schools and similar stakeholders &
 Analysys of the sector


February 2012

Webinar & booklet on flight services using clean energies


March 2012

Open conference to schools and similar stakeholders


April 2012

Best Practice collection and DVD finalisation


May 2012

Final Meeting in Romania and open conference to public and enterprises