Poland Visiting Observation;

21/04/2011 23:33


Poland Visiting Observation;


Poland visiting between 04 and 09 April 2011 contributed for the introduction of our country,region and tourism sector and will continue to contribute.

The visiting program organised by Zespol Szkol Technicznych im. gen. Wl. Andersa w Bialymstoku and interest for visitors was quite well.




Mr.T.Halicki and his team programmed every details well and they carried about coordinated way.Each teacher achieved their duty and presented a good example of team work

Although there were differences because of different culture and religious,Polish team worked hard not to make feel.Especially about some matters which were important for us,their efforts were admirable.

Tatar village(Kruszyniany) which is North-east of Bialystok,Muslim graveyard and Muslim mosque excited us.These people who are from Tatarian live with Muslim and Islam customs.It was different experience to see a Muslim village in North of Europe.

National park and protected forest areas,animal parks,museums and churches were quite attractive and interesting.

Polish people showed their hospitality to us.

We thank them…