Article archive


21/04/2011 23:37
  Generation                          : Under the name of New and Alternative Tourism Enterprises which was accepted by Long Life Learning Programme (Leonardo...

Poland Visiting Observation;

21/04/2011 23:33
  Poland Visiting Observation;   Poland visiting between 04 and 09 April 2011 contributed for the introduction of our country,region and tourism sector and will continue to contribute. The visiting program organised by Zespol Szkol Technicznych im. gen. Wl. Andersa w Bialymstoku and...

from Belgıum(willy)Nate e-learning platform

31/01/2011 21:03

Work Plan

22/01/2011 23:41
  October 2010   Transnational meeting in Turkey and open conference to public and enterprises     November 2010 Website start up and public call start up   January 2011   Transnational meeting in Greece and open conference to schools and similar...

First blog

22/01/2011 23:40
Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.

New event

22/01/2011 23:40
This is a sample event description. You can edit this description as you wish or remove the entire event.

Welcome to our Website

22/01/2011 23:40
Summary of the project:   The potential for tourism within Europe is not yet fully developed: the tourism industry may yet be regularized and job and business opportunities further increased. This project aims to set indications and propose ideas with a view to helping and stimulating...
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